Black Lives Matter

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Over the last few weeks our news and social media feeds have been full of events transpiring in America in response to George Floyd. One Instagram post especially drew my attention. It said…

“I see no color” is not the goal.

“I see your color and I honor you.

I value your input.

I will be educated about your lived experiences.

I will work against the racism that harms you.

You are beautiful. Tell me how to do better.”

That’s the goal. 

(Author Unknown)

To be honest, I found my thinking returning to these thoughts. Time and again. And again. Over many days. Days that are now stretching into weeks. I made a decision to watch video footage of what was done to George Floyd. I was shocked at the level of the police force in response to the alleged crime. I cried when bystanders begged for George Floyd’s pleas for help to be heard and to get off him and to let him breathe.

I saw the injustice.

I saw the fear.

I saw the oppression.

I felt incredulous.

I felt impassioned.

I felt overwhelmed.

I felt powerless.


I have been sitting with these emotions. Feeling them. Pondering them. Examining them. I have wondered, “Who am I to speak into this? This is not my country. This is not my people. This is not my experience.” But I thought about grief and loss and pain. I thought about how often we don’t know what to say or how to help or what to do when those around us are suffering. So often we choose to remain silent, for fear of saying the wrong thing. So often, afraid to do something that will make it worse, we choose to do nothing. So often, in our not knowing, we stay away. And I have felt the pain of the silence. I might be the only one, but I would rather friends say the wrong words, from a place of care and concern. I would rather family show their love and try to help, even at the risk of making it worse. I would rather acquaintances reach out and say “I see you” and “I am listening”, rather than stay away.

In my not knowing, I have decided to be brave.

At the risk of being wrong, I have decided to use my voice… and say… something.

At the risk of being criticised, I have decided to show up… and say, “I see you”.


And so I ask… What can I say? What can I do? How can I help? And I think about the words of Winston Churchill…

“Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak;

 Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.”

As a starting place, this is the question I have taken to God… “How can I be part of the change?” I have been reflecting on Psalm 46:10 recently and I find myself thinking how BE STILL has the meaning of TO LET GO and I find myself wondering…in relation to standing with people of colour... 

Do I have any mindsets I need TO LET GO?

Do I hold any beliefs I need TO LET GO?

Do I practice any traditions I need TO LET GO?


I can ask God to show me where I have not understood. Where I have not honoured and valued and celebrated as well as I could. And I can say, “I am sorry” for the times I have missed it.

The times I have not seen.

The times I have not heard.

The times I have been indifferent or naïve or ignorant.

The times I have remained silent.

The times I may have unknowingly perpetuated the problem, instead of being part of the solution.


Today, I can go to God and make the beautiful exchange.

 At the very least… I can ask God to show me His heart. And I can pray.

 At the very least… I can ask God to show me His thoughts. And I can declare.

 At the very least… I can ask God to show me His ways. And I can decree.


As Jesus prayed to the Father, I can pray…

Your kingdom come,

Your will be done,

On earth as it is in heaven.

Matthew 6:10


While it may seem so small… I can choose to value colour, rather than see no colour.

 While it may seem so small… I can choose to listen.

 While it may seem so small… I can seek to understand, in areas I have not understood.

While it may seem so small… I can choose to validate, in ways I have not before validated.

While it may seem so small… I can choose to love and honour and celebrate… beauty that I have not yet known.


 While it may not feel like enough… I can choose to live by values that esteem… the nations, tribes and tongues and choose to be the change.

While it may not feel like enough… I can spark discussions in my spheres of influence.

 While it may not feel like enough… I can initiate conversations with people in my world.

 While it may not feel like enough… I can talk with my children and help educate the next generation.

Together we can be the change.

 Together we can bring light, to that which has been hidden in darkness for too long.

 Together we can put the word of God into practice and join with many voices declaring Psalm 139:14-15 to our Creator God…

“I will give thanks and praise to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Wonderful are Your works, and my soul knows it very well.
My frame was not hidden from You, when I was being formed in secret,
And intricately and skillfully formed [as if embroidered with many colors] in the depths of the earth.


Together we can make a stand.

Together we can join us one.

Together we can raise our voice.

Black Lives Matter.